|| REVIEW || Control (Xbox One)
Developed By : Remedy Entertainment Published By : 505 Games
Category : Third Person Shooter, Action Release Date : August 27, 2019
Before I get into this review, there is one thing I need to make very clear. But, if you've frequented this blog or even my stream, you're already well aware : I am a big Remedy Entertainment fan. These guys don't have a ton of projects under their help, but the things they've given us in the past were instant gold, at least in my mind. It's because of Remedy we got the first two installments of Max Payne, we got Alan Wake and it's spin-off sequel American Nightmare. They started way back with a top-down racer called Death Rally which got a remaster fifteen years after it's initial release, and most recently they graced us with Quantum Break.
Now, we come to their newest project, Control, and it's one that I've been waiting for since hearing it's announcement. Why? To be completely honest, just the fact that it was coming from Remedy was what pulled me in. They had covered crime-noir, horror, and time-travelling sci-fi. I really wanted to see where they were going next. While it turned out that Control was going to be a sci-fi title, the details of it had me excited because not only was it a different feeling sci-fi than Quantum Break had been, it was splicing in some horror elements by the sound of it.
New Arrival
The game begins with a soft introduction from our main character for the duration of the game, Jesse Faden, arriving at the Federal Bureau of Control in New York City, indicating that someone has bid her here, since her first words are "You asked for me, and here I am." The lobby is empty, and the upper hallway she can see is mostly dark, but she heads up anyways. Here, she meets the buildings janitor, Ahti. He recognizes that Jesse is here for the job of janitor's assistant, and urges her to go ahead to elevator and receiver her interview.
Jesse takes the elevator up, only to discover more darkness and empty office areas in the building, and she also hears a disturbing noise that comes from the Director's office. Upon investigating, she opens the door to find the presumed director dead on the floor, a wound to his head and a gun next to his body. From here, it's a quick slide into the main concept of the game, as well as the FBC's purpose.
The building and it's occupants purpose is the study, discovery, retrieval, and containment of objects known as Objects of Power, which are tied to Altered World Events (OoPs and AWEs respectively). These objects, and the events tied to them, are instances in which other...things tend to find their way into our world. And it just so happens that one of those things, deemed "The Hiss" has not only found it's way into our world, but its inside of the FBC building.
To top it all off, the directors gun, known as the Service Weapon, is a gun that can only be bound to the director of the agency, and it's bound itself to Jesse. Now she must assume her role as the Director and get to the bottom of this Hiss invasion, while her and the other survivors try to learn exactly what they are and how they got here in the first place.
Getting Comfortable In The Job
Welcome to the Oldest House, a big skyscraper situated in the middle of New York City that offers much more than the eye can see once you get inside. Designated as a Place of Power, the insides of the building are constantly shifting and expanding, in ways that defy the laws of space and time. After you take your elevator ride up at the beginning, your first step off into the Executive area of the building is your first hint of that. What started off as a seemingly small, contained agency building has width and depth that shouldn't be allowed.
The Service Weapon is one of your main means of protecting yourself. This is a gun that can take on many different forms, giving you the options of multiple guntypes in the comfort of a small handgun-sized package. Initially, it will start off as a standard pistol, but as you progress through the game you can upgrade it to machine gun, shotgun, and even rocket launcher likenesses.
Jesse's other way of being kept safe is through telekinetic-like powers that are present in her by the binding of another Object of Power. You'll find these naturally as you progress through the game, so you won't be forced on massive side-tangents just for the sake of getting a nifty new power. Once you have them all, you'll be able to do things like pick up and launch items, compile a shield around yourself made up of debris, and a couple of others (gotta leave something unkown).
Both gun and powers run off energy systems, respective to themselves. The Service Weapon offers "infinite" ammo no matter which form it's being used in, but if the clip is fully depleted you'll need to wait for it to fully recharge before it can be shot again. The same goes for Jesse's powers, if her energy bar is used up entirely, she'll be unable to use any power until the full energy is regained.
Know Thy Enemy
The Hiss are present all over the Oldest House, and almost immediately after you step out into the Executive wing, and they come in many different forms. To best describe these guys, and in doing so without revealing too much, they are almost like a parasite, latching on to a host body and manipulating them. So yes, all of your enemies are other FBC employees.
For the most part, your enemies will maintain their human form and abilities, simply operating as ground troops, but others will possess the same telekinetic powers that you do. Dealing with them can be tricky and fun, as you navigate the fine-tuning of using Jesse's gun and powers to not leave yourself hanging out to dry in a bad situation. Each variant of these can basically be broken down into the type of weapon they use. Some will use basic handguns or rifles, you'll come across grenade throwers, rocket launchers, and even snipers, all posing their own unique threat.
Mingling with the "normal" enemies, you'll be dealing with a sampling of foes that tout some telekinetic powers like you.These guys can be dealt with in mostly the same way, except they will be harder to attack with your own telekinetic powers. It will feel impossible at times, but if you can corner them in the right circumstance, you'll be able to deal with them in fun ways.
Lastly, some enemies you come across will be named. These guys are going to be your real tough contenders, and they can be viewed as bosses and mini-bosses. The best way to tell which is which is by the location of the name and health bar. If it's small and combined right above the enemie's head, they're more of a mini-boss. If they are given a massive screen-spanning healthbar (think Dark Souls style) they're a boss-boss. You'll be contending with these guys and a mix of other types of Hiss, so prepare to be tested.
And it's a formula that absolutely works, Remedy did one hell of a job.Whether you stay on the main path and focus on the story, or wander to explore every deep, dark corner of the Oldest House, you are sure to have an amazing time in Control. My only gripe while playing the game was the moments where it would become framey. Luckily (or maybe miraculously), I never had one of these frame mishaps cause a death, so its a little ray of sunshine bursting through the only cloud in the sky. Also worth noting, the PC version doesn't experience these issues from the people I know who have played on PC.
So hit up Amazon, any of the platform stores, or your local game retailer and get this game in your library sooner rather than later. The narrative is one of the strongest I've seen in a long time, and the gameplay fits it perfectly. It will take minutes for you to fall in love with this game, so don't waste anymore time.
Pick the game up HERE (PC) or search for it
in any of the shops for the platforms below.
Currently the PC version is only available on
Epic Games Store, but will come to Steam
Game Played on Xbox One
Also Available On : Playstation 4, PC (EGS)
Mingling with the "normal" enemies, you'll be dealing with a sampling of foes that tout some telekinetic powers like you.These guys can be dealt with in mostly the same way, except they will be harder to attack with your own telekinetic powers. It will feel impossible at times, but if you can corner them in the right circumstance, you'll be able to deal with them in fun ways.
Lastly, some enemies you come across will be named. These guys are going to be your real tough contenders, and they can be viewed as bosses and mini-bosses. The best way to tell which is which is by the location of the name and health bar. If it's small and combined right above the enemie's head, they're more of a mini-boss. If they are given a massive screen-spanning healthbar (think Dark Souls style) they're a boss-boss. You'll be contending with these guys and a mix of other types of Hiss, so prepare to be tested.
Controlling A Familiar Formula
The comparison that I made just above is one that can be true for the game as a whole. Control has a scaled-down tone that is very reminiscent of Dark Souls. The maps are expansive, the boss fights are pretty stacked, you even have to capture and cleanse various Control Points around the building. Some areas of the building even reset the enemies for when you go through repeatedly. Again, it's very scaled down in comparison but if you've played or even watched a Soulsborne game, you'll recognize the mechanics almost immediately.And it's a formula that absolutely works, Remedy did one hell of a job.Whether you stay on the main path and focus on the story, or wander to explore every deep, dark corner of the Oldest House, you are sure to have an amazing time in Control. My only gripe while playing the game was the moments where it would become framey. Luckily (or maybe miraculously), I never had one of these frame mishaps cause a death, so its a little ray of sunshine bursting through the only cloud in the sky. Also worth noting, the PC version doesn't experience these issues from the people I know who have played on PC.
So hit up Amazon, any of the platform stores, or your local game retailer and get this game in your library sooner rather than later. The narrative is one of the strongest I've seen in a long time, and the gameplay fits it perfectly. It will take minutes for you to fall in love with this game, so don't waste anymore time.
Game Rating : 10/10
Pick the game up HERE (PC) or search for itin any of the shops for the platforms below.
Currently the PC version is only available on
Epic Games Store, but will come to Steam
Game Played on Xbox One
Also Available On : Playstation 4, PC (EGS)