Update : Where Have I Been?!

Hey guys, so it's been about a month since I've posted on here with my E3 coverage. It was unexpected, the time off I ended up taking, but there's a reason (actually a few) and I want to share with you guys as much as I can.

For starters, my wife and I are currently...expecting a nice surprise in life. If you can read between the lines you'll know what I mean. A lot of my and our time has been focused on preparing for that and as exciting as it is, it can be a bit stressful as well. On top of that though, there's been a big ball of stress floating over me on top of it.

Some of you may know, but I lost my father a few years back. It's been a long process of trying to maintain the property in addition to our own house while raising Leon and now the next surprise on it's way. I've been bogged down to say the least and as much as I've hated it I've slipped in a lot of things. I've not only cut back on posting here but I've dipped away from the other sites I write for as well.

The stream is always the easiest to run when I'm in these funks. I hate to let the blog slip but hopefully you can understand it's a lot more weight off me mentally and emotionally. I'm in the process of trying to get back into a normal full schedule again with this blog, but not let it interfere with the other sites or the stream. This is what got me started and this is what I always want to keep doing.

Once the new surprise has gotten here, I'll be stepping away from the stream majorly, and it just might be the window I need to squeeze back into this blog. My fingers are crossed, not only that it works but that you'll still be there reading (if you still are now).

One new thing that I've done recently is compiled a list of the majority of my game library. Here is the link, and you'll find a full list of of games from the PS1 generation to the more recent. I've started a personal quest that, since I've amassed such a collection, I'd like to play these things and start beating the numerous games I own.

So...take a look at the library and let me know...are there things you'd love to see reviewed here? Put me to the test and request Dark Souls, or send me to the trenches with Hannah Montana or Barbie and her Sisters Puppy Rescue (the latter isn't on the list but believe me...it's in my library).

As a last note on this update post, one thing you can expect to start popping up on this blog are kid game reviews. I've got quite a few, and as my son grows older I'll only be getting more. I would love to present these games for what they are, a chance at an excellent learning experience. It could be learning numbers and letters, testing memory, any sort of thing that video games could help with. Because let's face it, the world paints these discs and cartridges as toxic mind-sinks when they're really not. If I can use this blog to shed some light on that dark place...then so be it.

Again, I love you all and if you've been eagerly waiting for posts, I promise they're coming. Hopefully sooner rather than later. There's some things I've been playing in my own time that I'd love to write up a little bit of, so keep an eye out.

All my love,

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