Clustertruck (Nintendo Switch) Indie One Shot
I'm sure right off the bat, the title of this game brings to mind a certain...profane phrase...yes? Well, just hold onto that phrase, because once you strap into Cluster Truck on Nintendo Switch, you'll get the point.
Clustertruck brings a whole new approach to a platforming game, and it unloads in a fast-paced and heavy way. The theme of the game is one that's simple, and will bring you back to your childhood. Remember playing The Floor is Lava? Bouncing around on the couch, stepping to the coffee table, getting yelled at by mom for almost knocking over the lamp...all that is here. Okay, maybe not getting yelled at by mom...maybe.

You traverse the levels in a first-person mode, and your goal is simple. Reach the goal at the end. Seems easy, but don't get trapped in that thought because you'll quickly be calling on that phrase we mentioned earlier. To make your way through the level, you'll have to travel on top of several big trucks.
Now, you could just squat down on the truck you spawn on and ride it out, but where's the fun in that? No, we want points, because points get us really cool stuff. So to get the points, you're gonna have to jump from truck, to truck, to truck, making sure to not hit the ground or anything on the side (some levels will include trees and rocks, things of that sort to make everything a little more crazy. (We like crazy here.) Oh, and there's more. These trucks can pinball all over the place, causing them to flip and crash, and if you're on top of one when it goes haywire, you better find another place to catch a ride.
What the points can do is net you some sweet perks to bring along with you, making the levels (ideally) easier and a bit more crazy. You can get a grapple hook to grab onto things mid-air, a truck gun (yes, you spawn a truck to save yourself), the ability to freeze time and over a dozen more fun things.

Clustertruck is a short title, but the quick action and hectic feeling will have you playing for hours and hours on end. You'll pick it up to play a few levels, and either fall into an endless loop of "okay just one more" or hitting a level you get stuck on that brings out the nerd determination. Running and jumping on/off of trucks...a simple concept that explodes and blossoms into a really amazing game.
It's worth noting too that if you happen to grab the Steam version of this, you'll have the ability to create your own levels of the game, as well as download levels that others have created, which just adds to the insanity that can unfold in this game.