Sparkle 2 Evo (Nintendo Switch) Indie One Shot

Our next Indie One-Shot review brings us to the Switch, with a simple, small title, Sparkle 2 Evo. This evolutionary puzzle game only has one objective : evolve. You are given control over an organism, and through each level of the game you must hunt for your own food, or other creatures if food runs out, until you grow and evolve into a bigger creature.

The food scattered around will be one of three colors : red, green, or blue, and the type of food you focus on more of will determine how you evolve. Red will help you become a fast creature focused on eating more, green will slow you down, meaning you won't miss food to eat, and blue creates a more balanced organism with features from both the other growth trees.

What's great about this game is there's really no "beating" it in the sense of a story to complete. There's dozens of levels to explore and eat your way through, which you can do completely at your own leisure. Right in the digital manual for the game, they even state that their only goal is to fill your free time, and this game does exactly that.

All the levels are a lot of fun, with different depths to explore and look for more food. Some levels will also feature other creatures, either as prey for you, or as competition to see who will eat the most nutrients the fastest.

Sparkle 2 Evo may not be the biggest game, or have the most exciting premise, but it is still great. Especially if you ever just find yourself looking to fill a small void of time with a game. The levels look beautiful and colorful, and the soft soundtrack that plays is entertaining and non-intrusive.

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