Going Forward : Book Reviews and more

As of late, you may have noticed content becoming...sporadic at best on this blog. This is due to a lot of personal things I have been handling and dealing with in my life, as well as trying to re-group and strategize just how I want things to run between this blog, the stream and YouTube. Below is what you can expect for a rhythm on these things, but also bear in mind that this can be effected by life things.


This is the easiest one to tackle first, as it's always been and going to be my main focus. The schedule will remain the same, running the channel Sundays - Fridays around 9pm EST and possibly expanding into afternoon streams in the near future. Monday - Thursday we'll focus on any big story heavy games we're playing through, for example as I write this we are in the middle of the Yakuza games. Sunday and Friday will be wildcard nights and up for anything at all. 


The best way to describe this one is I'll be running it "TV style" meaning I'll be making content for most of the year, but I'll have an off-season too where there will be little to no content. This could change down the road, but for now this is how it will be due to things in the house that have to be paid extra care and attention during the colder winter months. When we're making content, I'll try to do daily videos, but I will aim for no less than three per week (no videos on Saturday or Sunday) and will also depend on what we might be playing. 

Blog : Games

In the past I've tried to be very much on the crazy side, burning myself out attempting to review multiple games a week. This is realistic sometimes if the games are smaller, but often is not ideal. Especially since I'm the only one who writes on here. I've decided to keep myself to a focus of one review per week, giving me plenty of time to fully experience these games from start to finish. I never wanted nor do I want to become a reviewer that plays games until they've been played "enough" to review. Sometimes even the worst of games have excellent payoffs in their end game and I don't want to miss these opportunities. However, if there is chances to get more reviews in, or even Previews of games that have demos out or that I've been offered, there will be more content posted. The "Main Review" day will be Wednesdays. Extra reviews and preview articles will not have set dates, they'll be posted as the content is available.

Blog : Books

If I'm not playing video games, I'm reading. There are even times where I'm reading while I'm playing games, if the game has a long load time or any sort of "dead" time. It's a passion I've had since before I started really getting into gaming, and I'd like to share that here too. I've dipped into this in the past with some book reviews on books-based-on-games but I officially want to spread out. Just like the extra reviews and previews above, these aren't going to have any set frequency, for a couple reason. The first being that some of the books I read are only a 300 pages while others are much more (one that I'm currently reading has a page count of just over 800). So there's no consistent time I will finish these books. On top of that, not every 300 page book reads the same. Some are faster paced and I can get them done in a single day, while others are a lot more dense and take much more time. 

The other reason these won't have a set frequency (at least for now, again this could change), is I'll be finding my voice for writing these. I won't publish something that I'm not happy with, it doesn't matter if 1,000 people will read it or only 10, I want to be happy and proud of what I put out. As of now...here are a few things to know. 

- These reviews will be short. I'll obviously be avoiding spoiling these books so...the best way to do that is limit how long I talk about them haha!
- Might not be as "advanced". Reading is a passion of mine but I don't have any crazy theoretical background in literature. So I won't be deep diving to analyze every minute thing on every page. These will be short, direct, right to the point. Who knows...maybe doing these will bring out that analytical background but for now...don't expect it. 
- Expect a wide range. This year, for the first time ever, I'm participating in a book challenge. So not only will I be reading a lot, I'm going to be reading a few things that are out my normal areas. Don't be surprised if you see a mix of horror, action, mystery, romance and everything in between. 

I'm excited for the small expanse and hope you guys are too. I'll be posting all of my book updates on my Instagram (@honestgamermike) so feel free to follow me there and see what pages my nose is buried in.

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